Truly we live with mysteries too marvelous to be understood.
“Mysteries, Yes” by Mary Oliver
Love keeps us curious, with an attitude of wonder about what could be, what’s under the surface of this life we’re living, and about all those we’re living it with. In love we come to realize that faith itself is a daily reorientation to wonder, an ever-increasing awe at Who God is and His unfathomable presence in our lives. It’s discovering Him waiting for us where we never could imagine He would be, in space we never dared to wander before. It’s choosing to embrace the unknown, to step forward, certain only of the One going with us and before us. It’s a journey full of mysterious mountains, with their valleys and mountain tops, each full of possibility, discovery, and most importantly, each created and held together by the God who is Love. It’s far less about what we believe and far more about meeting, trusting, learning, loving, and being loved by the very One Whom we have believed.
About NHG
NHG was born in 2004, when a group discovered it was time to find out if all they’d imagined church could be was really possible. They met for the first time in a living room, a beloved gathering place of family and friends, a place that was always safe and always welcoming. It was their sanctuary. From there the gatherings grew, finding new friends and trying out new locations through the years, but always determined first to be a safe and welcoming place, living out the belief that the Church is not a building or place you go, but a people you are with, a community, determined to share their lives in a new and very real way.
How we see God
The Image of the Divine is all around us, and we are learning to see it more and more. Still, for us there is no image of God and His Love more clear than Jesus. Believing that “in Him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell” (Colossians 1:19 ESV) and that "He is the perfect imprint and very image of [God's] nature" (Hebrews 1:3 AMP), we consider the life and teachings of Jesus to be the primary lens through which we learn and interpret the character and love-nature of God. The incarnation of Jesus shows us that the divine and human natures can beautifully share the same space, and that we have been designed all along with the integrity to carry the magnanimous love of God.
A Transformative Space
It can be challenging and takes courage to confront our areas of unconsciousness, feel the pain of old patterns, and commit to new ways of being. In our gatherings we encourage our community to connect and contribute to each other’s personal growth. We believe this best happens in an environment of vulnerability and by listening deeply to one another. Each gathering is therefore intended to be a learning conversation and not centered around a talking head. We value diverse thoughts and interpretations that are spoken with respect and honor. There are endless leaves for the Kingdom’s table, and we’re dedicated to keeping room for all to experience the great expandable feast.
Community of the Beloved
As a community we seek to inspire transformative growth in each other, with an attitude of wonder about what could be and what is under the surface of this life we are living. All our stories are different, so we consider each one with curiosity, openness, and honor. We desire to know each other whole-heartedly in our complexity and diversity. We seek out and encourage our community to learn and grow, and to use tools that are helpful for becoming the best versions of ourselves, such as contemplative prayer practices, studying the Enneagram, journaling, and Morning Pages among many others.
Love’s Diversity
Believing each one of us is made in the image and likeness of Love, and affirming the divine spark in every person, we are dedicated to creating and maintaining a safe, inclusive, affirming, and loving place where all are welcome and the dignity of every person is embraced and honored. It is our differences in age, race, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, and/or family status that make us both unique and a resilient, adaptable, brilliant expression through which the goodness of God will be made known.
Our View of the Scriptures
We love the scripture, believe it to be an important part of a believer’s life, and our discussions and teachings are often full of it, but we also understand Jesus to say that you can search it and still miss the dynamic experience of actually knowing Him. As inspirational and life-giving as these words are, God is far too vast to be contained in mere words on a page. We know the final destination of His Word isn’t to reside in a book but to be enfleshed in people, and our highest regard is always for the One to whom those verses point us: the Christ.
Our Pastors
Todd & Karon Hadley
Todd & Karon are the founding pastors of New Heart Gathering. They understand Christian community as dynamic, improvisational, and participatory, like a jazz ensemble. They have worked to share and model a safe and brave space for over 17 years. Along with the compassionate and kind people of New Heart, they welcome mystery, realizing faith is not simply a belief system, but is at its best a journey of discovery and a perpetual reorientation to wonder.
Todd and Karon have lived in Charleston for nearly twenty-five years, and you can often find them on the beaches, wandering its gardens, or laughing with friends at their favorite restaurants. They have been married for 32 years and have four adult children living in Charleston and Brooklyn.